Monday, October 18, 2010

saint milton

upon discovering that the devil is not from the bible but rather from other works with christian influence, I decided to investigate this character more fully by reading these other works. To start of with a bang and some really interesting not at all dense writing I decided to begin my investigation with Milton's Paradise lost. So right off the bat I found something Milton says to be very interesting, he claims that not only was the eating of the forbidden fruit all part of some greater plot of God's, but also that God was right to do so. He had greater plans for us then to be his witless puppets wasting the days away in the garden. God saw the potential in us to be more then that, he saw that with the knowledge of good and evil and the invisibility of death we could achieve much. What I mean by the ladder of that is that I see death as much a part of our success as knowledge. because think about it if we didn't die we wouldn't do anything. Death motivates us in two ways the first being by being the villain that unifies everyone and drives us to find ways to fight it off as long as possible, in essence we are working to regain the gift God took away. and the other way it drives us is by making us strive to do something so great as to leave our mark in the world we leave behind after the cold embrace of death takes us.

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