Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Titanic menagerie

OK I gotta start this post by asking what the french toast is gopher wood?
The story of the flood really struck me as interesting. I had always known the story but
upon reading it for the first time questions started to arise. The fore front of which is what did we do to deserve such wrath? seriously all it says is that the world is full of violence and that therefore all must be destroyed. which you know I get violence is bad, and violent people should be punished, but the thing that worries me is have you watched the news lately? If you haven't let me fill you in on the gist, VIOLENCE! LOTS OF IT! from car bombs across the seas to two Neanderthals in a ring with padded gloves hitting each other for the amusement of the thousands of onlookers right here at home, the world today is chalk full of violence. so this begs the question what is stopping our lord above from hitting us with another tidal wave of Divine justice?
The next issue that came to me was what happened to the fish? at first I thought 'oh its chill the world is covered in water the fish are probably stoked, getting to swim through a world normally out of there reach.' but upon telling this theory to my Bio Chem major of a roommate, she promptly disproved it by pointing out that if such a flood was to occur it would completely change the environment of the seas and lakes of the earth causing an equally devastating effect on the worlds fish population, as on the rest of creation. So while we can all be confident in the lords aptitude for mass extinction level events, I still had to wonder how did the fish survive? was there an aquarium section of the ark? and if so how bad ass would that be?
The last big issue I had with this story was this description of the size of the ark itself. In the book it is said " the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits". OK so lets back track by asking what the F is a cubit? my curiosity got the better of me and my old friend the Internet came to my aid. a cubit is defined as one of the earliest terms of measurement, which is roughly the length of a mans fore arm, which can be further broken down into seven palm widths, which are tour digits thick each, or for those of us no longer using our limbs to measure things, its about twenty one inches. so with a little quick math I found the ark was 525 ft long, 87.5 ft wide and 52.5 tall, or 2411718.75 cubic ft or 456.76 cubic miles, or one bitching big boat. and to put that into perspective that about 43 White Houses but was it big enough? if we assume that all the creatures today were around pre-flood we would be looking at about 4260 mammals, 6787 reptiles, 9703 birds and 32000 fish. that works out to 52750 different animal species not including invertebrates and considering that Noah took two of each of dirty ones and seven of the clean ones that's a lot of beasts. but lets just assume that he took two of each, cause lets be honest all animals are pretty dirty that's 105500 animals and 8 people on this divine cruise ship. so assuming that without room for invertebrates or for the food and needed to feed all these animals and assume that the ark was wall to wall cages with no walk ways and that all creatures got the same amount of space, each animal would get about 22 cubic feet meaning each animal the great and the small would have a patch of floor space about 2.8 sq ft with 2.8 ft of clearance, yeah try fitting a grizzly bear into that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God I LOVE that you are figuring out the length of the ark and the number of animals! I love it!
